September 7-20, 2022
III International Festival of Community-Based Theaters
it is a kind of theater that illuminates socially significant events in a society or a
specific community/group of people through any expressive means and stage
#CommunityArt #Playback #Verbatim #Peer2Peer #doc #ForumTheater #Storytelling
More details
Performances may take place in apartments, schools, prisons, at conferences, galleries,
or on the street as well as professional stages - social theater may have different shapes
Сonsists of 4 stages
You may participate in any of the stages of the festival
Stage 1 — Immersion
From September 7th to September 11th 2022 — a laboratory for mutual learning as well as creation of joint performances and co-creation. Art Residence "Guslitsa" (80 km away from Moscow).
We invite experienced participants to join this part of the festival. People who are actively practicing social or community theater, theatrical techniques in educating and working with communities, as well as other forms of community art. We are inviting those who is opened to mutual learning and creating new techniques. 40 people from around the world + organizing team.
Together we will create several performances that will at a later stage be presented in Moscow and other cities of Russia.
Important! This stage is mostly for experienced participants. Theater collectives will be invited at the second stage.

Art Residence Guslitsa
The place for diving was not chosen by chance. A touch of history, a special spirit of space and nature. Free creativity, unity flows in it with a vengeance.
5 days at Art Residence 80 km from Moscow
We will create joint performances, which we will then show in Moscow and other cities
Large and comfortable rooms are prepared for us.
We will share our best practices, conduct master classes for each other and celebrate a lot

We will be engaged in the street.
Burn bonfires, breathe fresh air, walk and swim
Cozy places to relax and chat
We will stay in 2 and 3 bed rooms, as well as Art Hostel in Guslice
Stage 2 — Education and Theater
September 12th to 14th — Moscow, Russia

Will include performances at various venues in Moscow, dozens of workshops, work with communities and grass-roots initiatives in the visited cities, and entertainment program.
For the second stage we invite everyone who is interested in exploring what social theater means for us — participants, experts, and spectators with various experiences and interests.

Stage 3 — tour program
September 15th to 17th — participant cities of Russia

Participants of the festival will divide into groups of up to 10 people and travel to different cities of Russia to get acquainted with communities and local theater teams.
They will show the performances prepared during the first stage and create new performances together with the local community. We will invite the local community to modify and co-create performances together with us.
Theater workshops and trainings for the local community will be conducted during this stage.
We will get acquainted with local theater initiatives and other theater teams to exchange experiences and plan our future cooperation.

Stage 4 — Celebration
September 18th to 20th — St. Petersburg

Upon completing the tour we will meet all together again. We will "harvest" all together. Share our experiences and our stories. We will also get acquainted with local communities, show our performances, and conduct workshops.
We will leave enough time to celebrate together with our community and to exchange our energy. We will dream about our future and the possibility of continuing our cooperation.


Uruguayan director Raúl Rodríguez Da Silva, GITIS teacher, talks
about his experience of participating in 2nd international Festival of Community-Based theaters in 2012 and 2013.
Lev Ushakov
Team leader and Producer
Moscow, Russia
Evdokia Romanova
International Relations Coordinator
Vienna, Austria
Katerina Guryeva
Member Relationship Curator
Kazan, Russia
Liza Berezina
Curator of work with foreign media and publications
Budapest, Hungary
Anna Poplavskaya
Playback, программа для подростков
Moscow, Russia

Participation Cost

430 EUR (30 000 RUB)

Solidarity economy is encouraged (pay more in order to support other participants)

We make an early announcement in order for everybody to have enough time to:
1) Find money for your participation,
2) Receive a grant
3) Find a sponsor

Part of our team is looking for alternative ways of funding. If you have a possibility to pay more or donate to our initiative please do not hesitate to do so as it will help us to open up a scholarship program.
The organizational fee for participation in some of the stages of the festival is calculated individually.

Do you have any difficulties with paying the full registration fee? If yes, describe in application your problem and indicate a sum you will be ready to provide.
    Festivals 2012 and 2013
    The festival was organized two times in Samara, Russia.
    Previous years theatrical teams and artists from Norway, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Uruguay, France, Ukraine and 12 cities of Russia took part in it.

    SOCIAL THEATER is a form of theater that highlights the topical phenomena and covers the sensitive issues in a society or in a specific community/group of people by employing any kinds of expressive means and performance techniques.
    Since 2003, we have been exploring the potential of social theater in Russia and abroad. We have been creating stage and live performances, holding festivals and teaching how to use theatrical methods in working with communities.
    There is no single definition of social theater in Russia and in the world. Various professionals use diverse terms: there are similarities and there are differences. Social theater can be considered as an umbrella term which covers forum theater, documentary theater, peer-to-peer theater, playback theater, theater of the oppressed, etc. Noteworthy is that while organizing the international festival of social theaters in 2012 and 2013, we received the applications from the completely different teams, and the participants welcomed were very unlike each other.
    In the English-speaking world, the term "applied theater" is often used. It is understood as art, standing between theater and any other field. It is a form of art serving the purposes of the field it is applied to.
    Social theaters often touch upon very narrow topics that may not concern the whole society, but may be extremely relevant to, say, rural schoolchildren.
    For us, social theater is an opportunity to talk about how we live in society, how society changes us, and how our inner processes change the world around.
    Председатель советов интернационального сообщества Suderbyn Permaculture Ecovillage (Готланд, Швеция), Балтийской Сети Экопоселений, и шведского НКО Relearn; активист Европейской мета-сети низовых инициатив по устойчивому развитию ECOLISE; член экспертного совета Future Foundation.

    +7 960 82 007 13
    Lev Ushakov

    Or fill out the form and we will contact you ourselves

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